About Indiana Cemetery Association
Mission Statement
The Indiana Cemetery Association is comprised of cemeteries who share the desire to operate their businesses with high ethical standards and to keep the families they serve as a top priority. We provide to our members legislative support as well as educational information whenever needed. The association also encourages its members to promote the benefits of prearrangements in their communities
Code of Ethics
The Indiana Cemetery Association, Inc. is an association of cemetery owners and administrators which exists to serve its members and represents Indiana cemeteries in matters of legislative and public interest. As members of the Association, we are dedicated to maintaining our cemeteries as places of sacred memories of the dead and of comfort for the living.
To this end the members of the Indiana Cemetery Association, Inc. agree to the following principles:
All charges and fees shall be applied equally to all (IC 23-14-47-3).
We recognize that the burial of the dead is a sacred rite and we shall conduct our operations in such a manner as to be worthy of participating in these hallowed observances.
We shall abide by all laws and regulations of the State of Indiana and any and all other laws and regulations pertaining to the operations of cemeteries.
We pledge that our rules and regulations shall be reasonable and in the best interest of our interment holders, families, and friends, and freely available to the general public.
It shall be our practice to educate the public as to the benefits of all pre-arrangements and encourage families to prearrange their cemetery needs.
We shall refrain from using any misrepresentations in any advertising, public relations, or sales activities.
We shall always strive to operate on a sound financial basis, incurring only those obligations that can be properly discharged.
We accept, as our responsibility and duty, the management of our endowment care funds and escrow accounts as fiduciary responsibilities. We shall endeavor to maintain and increase our endowment care fund in the hope that the income therefrom shall help to provide adequate maintenance and care in perpetuity.
We shall, at all times, remember the sacred trust of our services, as we aspire to manage our cemeteries and conduct ourselves in such a manner as to be worthy of the trust placed in us, and to be a credit to our community and our profession.